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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了小学四年级英语下册第三单元检测题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



(    )1. A. rainy        B. snowy       C. swim      D. windy

(    )2. A. warm       B. today        C. hot        D. cool

(    )3. A. weather      B. sunny       C. cloudy     D. snowy

(    )4. A. London      B. Beijing      C. world    D. New York

(    )4. A. home       B. room        C. warm     D. school


(    )1. A. farm        B. warm        C. car        D. arm

(    )2. A. tall         B. ball          C. far        D. wall

(    )3. A. bird        B. first          C. girl        D. forty

(    )4. A. cloudy      B. outside       C. soup       D. about

(    )5. A. music       B. sunny        C. lunch      D. mum


(    )1. It’s warm ________ Hangzhou.

A. up          B. in         C. of

(    )2. I like watching the ________.

A. a report       B. report weather      C. weather report

(    )3. ________ some soup, Amy.

A. To eat        B. Have             C. For

(    )4. It’s rainy in Guangzhou. _______ Jinan?

A. How are      B. How about         C. How in

(    )5. What’s the weather ________ in Nanjing?

A. is            B. like              C. to

(    )6. It’s ________ now. Let’s fly kites.

A. windy        B. cloud             C. rain

(    )7. —Can I swim today?


A. Yes, I can      B. No, I can’t        C. Yes, you can

(    )8. —Is it hot and sunny in Hainan?


A. Yes, they are      B. Yes, it is       C. No, it is

(    )9. _______ The soup is very hot.

A. Look after!        B. Be careful!     C. be careful!

(    )10. It’s warm inside. _______your hat.

A. Put on            B. Put off        C. Take off

(    )11. What's the weather like in Beijing ?

- It′s  cool  and ____ .

A、hot   B、snowy  C、rainy

(    )12.、________  Beijing ? Is it warm ?

- Yes , it is.  It's 26 degrees.

A、how about  B、What about    C、How about

(    )13. Is it  cold  ?

-________ .

A. No, it isn't.  B.Yes, it isn't.   C. No, you can't.

(    )14.What's the weather like in Harbin ?

- It′s  cold  and ____ .

A、snow  B、snowy     C、warm

(    )15.It’s hot today.Can I wear my T-shirt?--

A.No,you can.     B.Yes, you can’t       C.Yes, you can.


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