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我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了2016年四年级英语下册第二单元模拟题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



( ) 1. A. Science B. subject C. sing

( ) 2. A. table B. timetable C. pencil

( ) 3. A. football B. skate C. down

( ) 4. A. our B. we C. you

( ) 5. A. day B. Monday C. today

( ) 6. A. school B. twenty C. grape

( ) 7. A. come B. fun C. aunt

( ) 8. A. duck B. where C. umbrella

( ) 9. A. breakfast B. nose C. bird

( ) 10. A. shoe B. table tennis C. lesson


(    ) 1. A. It’s Monday. B. We have three. C. We have Chinese.

(    ) 2. A. Here you are. B. I’d like a cake. C. I like English.

(    ) 3. A. We have Chinese and English. B. We have five. C. We like Chinese.

(    ) 4. A. It’s five o’clock. B. At five. C. It has five.

(    ) 5. A. Yes, it is.  B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they are.


1. A: What _______ is it today?

B: It’s _______ .

2. A: _______ _______ __________  do you have on ________ ?

B: We have eight.

3. A: It’s _________ for PE. Let’s _________ ___________ now.

B: _____ right.



1.我的新课程表___________________ 2.今天早上___________________

3.一节英语课___________________ 4.三节游泳课___________________

5.一个大操场___________________ 6.一场篮球赛___________________

7.放学后___________________ 8.每个星期六___________________

9.星期二怎么样?_______________ 10.真遗憾!___________________


( )1. A. table tennis B. basketball C. ball D. foot ball

( )2. A. when B. what C. welcome D. where

( )3. A. her B. they C. we D. you

( )4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Mum D. Saturday

( )5. A. Chinese B. subjects C. Science D. Maths


(    ) 1. It’s time _____ Maths.

A. to      B. for     C. on

(    ) 2. _______ is the man?  He’s my father.

A. What     B. Who        C. How

(    ) 3. We don’t have _____ lessons on Sunday.

A. some         B. any          C. many

(    ) 4. ______ you like PE?    No, I ______.

A. Do , do       B. Do, don’t like         C. Do , don’t

(    ) 5. I have a _______ lesson today.

A. swim          B. swimming         C. swiming

(    ) 6. _______ is it today?  It’s Thursday.

A. What subjects       B. What day       C. What time

(    ) 7. ________ are they?  Fifty yuan.

A. How many          B. How       C. How much

(    ) 8. I ________ Art.

A. not like         B. can’t like            C. don’t like

(    ) 9. Welcome ______ the snack bar.

A. at              B. to                 C. in

(    ) 10. _______ the timetables?  They are on the desk.

A. Where’s        B. Where          C. Where are

(    )11. 你有一本美术书,你说:

A. I have an Art.         B. I have a Art book.               C. I have an Art book.

(    )12. 当你问别人有多少门学科时,你说:

A. What sbujects do you like?    B. How many subjects do you have?  C. What sbujects do you have?

(    )13. 当你们开学刚到班时,老师会说:

A. Welcome back to school.     B. Nice to see you.                   C. Nice to meet you.

(    )14. 当你询问两本科学书的价钱时,你说:

A. How much is it?         B. How much are they?              C. Can I help you?

(    )15. 同学问你下午有什么课时,他会说:

A. What lessons do we have this morning?                    B. What lessons do we have this afternoon?

C. How many subjects do you have?


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