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也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了四年级英语下册第一单元测试题及答案,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!




(   ) 1.  A. what      B. watch           C. where

(   ) 2.  A. whose     B. want            C. who

(   ) 3.  A. right     B. remember        C. very

(   ) 4.  A. think     B. this            C. thing

(   ) 5.  A. Lucy’s bag  B. Tom’s clock C. Jim’s basket


(   ) 1. Whose bag is it?

(   ) 2.  Look at your room.

(   ) 3.  Where is the man’s watch?

(   ) 4.  I think it’s Bob’s book.

(   ) 5   This is my pen, and that’s my watch.


(   ) 1.  A. Thank you.         B.Excuse me.

(   ) 2.  A. Oh,I’m sorry.     B.You are welcome.

(   ) 3.  A. It’s my bag.      B.Oh,yes.It’s my bag.

(   ) 4.  A. Let’s go and ask him.     B. Let’s put away our thinks.

(   ) 5.  A. Oh,yes. It’s my basket.     B. Tom’s clock   C. Jim’s basket.


四、语音判断,画线部分发音相同的打“√ ”,不同的打“ ×”。( 每小题1分,共5分)

(   ) 1.  whose  where

(   ) 2.  whath  much

(   ) 3.  bag    what

(   ) 4.  this   that

(   ) 5.  is     it


(   ) 1.  A. want     B. bag      C. pen

(   ) 2.  A. her      B. your     C. we

(   ) 3.  A. cup      B. ask      C. clock

(   ) 4.  A. where    B. what     C. watch

(   ) 5.  A. child    B. girl     C. men


(   ) 1. — What’s this? —Oh, it’s a ____ pen.

A. a          B. an            C. /

(   ) 2.Let’s ____to play in the park(公园).

A. going      B. to go         C. go

(   ) 3. —Excuse me. Is this ____ hat? —Yes it’s ____hat.

A. your ;my    B. you; my        C. her; him

(   ) 4. I think it is  ____ orange.

A.  Pig        B. Bears         C. Bear’s

(   ) 5. ____ the red bag.

A. Have a look   B. Look         C. Look at

(   ) 6. It’s my doll ____ that’s Peter’s toy ship.

A. or          B. and            C. /

(   ) 7. — ____book is it?   —It’s my book.

A.  Who        B. Whom          C. Whose

(   ) 8. ____ is my bag?

A.  Who        B. Where        C. Whose

(   ) 9. — ____ —A beautiful skirt.

A.  What are they?        B. Is it a red dress?         C. What’s in it?

(   ) 10. What a mess!. ____your  things.

A. Put up      B. Puts away      C. Put away


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