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一. 写出下列字母的左右邻居的大小写.(10分)

Ee                  Hh                   Pp

Tt                   Xx


1、Where's the train ?

2、What are you doing ?

3、We have a big family  dinner.

4、She's reading a book.

5、Can you jump high, Sam?


(     ) 1. A. sheep        B. bear           C.high

(     )  2. A. left         B. right          C. near

(     )  3. A. Sports Day   B. take pictures  C. listen to music

(     ) 4. A. bread        B. sock           C. sweets

(     )  5. A. run fast     B. the long jump  C. the high jump


1、冠军                              A、bread

2、面包                              B、winner

3、飞机                              C、horse

4、参观、拜访                        D、plane

5、马                                E、visit


(   )1、There ______  a horse in this photo.

A、am      B、is      C、are

(   )2、---________, Where is the park?

---It’s beside the cinema.

A、Excuse me.       B、Sorry        C、Hello.

(   )3、______ are they doing?   They are watching TV.

A、How       B、What        C、Where

(   )4、Look, the children are ____________ in the river.

A、swims    B.swim     C、swimming

(   )5、---Thank you so much.


A、Sorry.         B、OK.         C、You’re welcome.

(   )6. Amy, can you ______fast?

A. running    B. runs   C. run

(   )7. We’re going _____ plane.

A. by         B. on      C. in

(   )8.She is going to______ her teacher.

A .visits       B. visiting     C. visit

(   )9、--- Can Sam jump high?

---- Yes, _________.

A、I can         B、he can        C、she can

(   )10. I’m the______.

A. winer       B. win      C. winner


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