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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2015四年级上册英语期末试卷的相关内容,希望能陪大家度过一个美好的学期,小编提醒,贪玩不能耽误学习哦!



1. c_mp_ter    ________        2. fl_ _ r        ________

3. p_ct_re     ________        4.st_o_g        ________

5. b_dro_m    ________        6.st_d_        ________

7. s_f        ________         8.n_odl_s       ________

9. chi_ese _ook     ________      10.fri_ndl_     ________


1.给你______________          2.Help yourself  ____________

3.在冰箱上______________      4.put up the picture ___________

5.晚安______________          6.short hair ______________

7.友好的______________        8.storybook______________

9.面条______________         10. my schoolbag______________


(   )1.A.aunt             B.rice             C. uncle

(    ) 2.A.fork             B.spoon            C.noodles

(    ) 3.A.window           B.chair            C.soup

(    ) 4.A.bread            B.fridge           C.table

(    ) 5.A.doctor           B.driver           C.plate


(   )1.     clean the classroom.

A. Let    B. Let we     C. let’s

(    ) 2.      is my English book?  It’s in the schoolbag.

A. What    B. Where     C. How

(    ) 3. How many     do you have?  I have 6.

A. book    B. books    C.bookes

(    ) 4.       is it?   It’s blue.

A. What colour    B. What    C.How many

(    ) 5. What’s     name?    His name is zhang peng.

A. his    B. her    C.he

(    ) 6.He     glasses and his shoes are blue.

A. have    B. has     C. had

(    ) 7. Is she in the living room?

A. Yes, she is’nt.      B. no, she is.     C. No, she isn’t.

(    ) 8. Go to the bathroom.

A. Read a book          B. Take a shower

C. Have a snack

(   ) 9.    the light

A. Turn on           B. Open    C. Close

(    ) 10. What     you like    dinner?

A. will, for             B. would, for

C. would, of


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