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学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了冀教版四年级英语上学期期末试卷,希望对您有所帮助!


1.r__ __ d(阅读,读)     2.to__ __y (今天)

3.n__w (新的)  4.to__ __to(西红柿)                 5.b __ s (公共汽车)        6. __ iss (小姐)

7.gr__ __ n(绿色)          8. __ __t e(风筝)

9. w__ nt (想要)   10. playg__ __ __ nd (操场)


(  )1. A. bus      B. taxi     C. potato

(  )2. A. Monday   B. week   C. Thursday

(  )3. A. sweater    B. shop    C. shorts

(  )4. A. bike      B. library     C. car

(  )5.A.film   B. cinema   C. supermarket


1.this复数形式(    )2. dress复数形式(    )

3.near 反义词 (    )   4.new反义词  (     )

5.let us 缩写形式(     )


(     ) 1. __________ is he wearing?

A. What       B. How       C. Where

(    )2. It is          scarf.

A. Ling Ming’s   B. Ling Mings  C.Ling Ming

(    )3. This is           old trousers.

A. a        B.an       C. /

(    )4. I brush my          .

A. face       B. tooth       C. teeth

(     ) 5. Let’s go to the cinema to__________.

A. fly kites   B. read a book   C. watch a film

(    )6. I           my homework in the evening.

A. does      B. do      C. doing

(    )7. Where _________ the playground?

A.am        B.is     C. are

(    )8. Is Jenny near _________ far?

A. to         B. or       C. and

(    )9.     Where is the library?

I can _________ you.

A. wait      B. talk with     C. show

(     ) 10. Red is stop and _________ is go.

A. blue       B. red       C. green

(     ) 11. The traffic lights have_________ colours.

A. three     B. thirteen   C. thirty

(    )12. These are days           the week.

A. for   B. from   C. of

(    )13.What do you do_________ home?

A.at    B. on    C.in

(    )14. _________do you go to the park?

A. How     B. What        C. Where

(    )15. Let’s go _________.

A. shop      B. shopping    C. shopping


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