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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了四年级英语秋季学期期末试卷的相关内容,希望能陪大家度过一个美好的学期,小编提醒,贪玩不能耽误学习哦!



1. --- Can you             , Liu Tao?

--- Yes, I can.

2. --- Mum, where are my socks?

--- Look, they’re in the             .

3. --- Do you like this             ?

--- Yes, I do. It’s lovely.

4. --- What do you have?

--- I have some             .

5. --- How many toy cars do you have?

--- I have             .


(      ) 1. --- _________ are my shoes, Dad?

--- Come and look. They’re under the bed.

A. Where                    B. What

(      ) 2. --- Do you like monkeys, Nancy?   --- No, I _________.

A. don’t                     B. do

(      ) 3. --- What’s that behind the door?  --- It’s ________ umbrella.

A. a                         B. an

(      ) 4. --- __________ are the apples?   --- Twenty-five yuan.

A. How much                  B. How many

(      ) 5. This is my father. He is tall. _________ mouth is big.

A. He                         B. His

(      ) 6. --- Can I help you?  --- ______ a hot dog and some juice, please.

A. I like                       B. I’d like

(      ) 7. Look at the elephant. Its(它的) nose _____ long. Its ears ____big.

A. is; is                      B. is; are

(      ) 8. --- Do you have _____stickers?

--- No, I don’t. I have _____dolls.

A. any; some                  B. some; any

(      ) 9. 你想知道对方会不会踢足球,你可以问:

A. Do you have a football?   B. Can you play football?

(      ) 10. 当你想夸赞别人事情做得好时,你可以说:

A. Have a try.                  B. Well done.


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