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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了四年级英语期末测试卷的相关内容,希望能陪大家度过一个美好的学期,小编提醒,贪玩不能耽误学习哦!



(   )1. _________ today? – I’m very well.

A.What’s this?     B.Where do you live?   C.How are you?

(   )2.Chinese people invented _________.

A.print    B.printing   C.printed

(   )3.Did you ______ the Great Wall?

A.see   B.sees    C.saw.

(   )4. I usually ____ some cakes,but I ____ some fruit yesterday.

A.eat,eat  B.eat,ate   C.ate,eat

(   )5. 4.She didn’t _____ at 6 yesterday?

A.get up   B.gets up   C.getting up

(   )6. Maliang ____ a paintbrush.It was magic.

A.have     B.has    C.had

(   )7. Come _____ , please!

A. in         B. of        C.at

(   )8. Yesterday I _______ Grandma.

A. phone      B. phoned      C.phones

(   )9.Drink ________ water or juice

A. a lot         B. lots of       C.a lots of

(   )10. We were ______. So we bought a watermelon.

A. thirsty   B. dirty    C.angry


1. ___________(什么时候)did they come? – They came last week

2. We ________(穿)warm clothes yesterday.

3. I was ________ (在……之间) the two girls .

4. The bad man was_________(生气的). He__________(带走)Ma Liang away.

5.  My room were ________ (脏的)yesterday. I ________(打扫,清理) it.

6. He ______ ______ his bike and hurt his knee yesyerday.

7. Wash your hands __________ (在……之前)you eat.


invented    healthy  happened    played   hungry

1. We were          and thirsty.

2. She         the flute yesterday.

3. Chinese people        paper.

4.What________to you?

5. Do you want to be _________?


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