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时间过的飞快,转眼期末考试就要来临了,如何复习才能取得好成绩呢?做题是最有效的方法。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了2016年四年级英语上册期末试题及答案,希望对大家有用。


(完卷时间 60分钟)

听力部分  40%


(     ) 1.A.sheep B.sharp C.shape

(     ) 2.A.buses B.books C.boxes

(     ) 3.A.classmate B.classroom C.class

(     ) 4.A.fourteen B.fifty C.fifteen

(     ) 5.A.behind B.beside C.between

(     ) 6.A.short and thin   B.tall and fat C.tall and thin

(     ) 7.A. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from Australia.

B. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from America.

C. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from the UK.

(     ) 8.A.There are no classrooms in Rainbow Primary School.

B.There are no classrooms in Animal School.

C.There are no animals in Animal School.

(     ) 9.A.The postman in the post office is eating the toast.

B.The postman in the post office is eating the biscuits.

C.The policeman in the police station is eating the toast.

(     ) 10.A. Do you like this pair of jeans?

B. Do you have a pair of jeans?

C. Do you see a pair of jeans?


(     ) 11.A.OK. B.Thank you. C.Nice to meet you too.

(     ) 12.A.Hot. B.Cold. C.Warm.

(     ) 13.A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it isn’t.

(     ) 14.A.Twelve. B.Seven. C.Four.

(     ) 15.A.He is a cook. B.  He can cook. C.He likes cooking.


(     ) 16. There is a garden near my home.

(     ) 17. There are many monkeys here.

(     ) 18. The cats are climbing the walls.

(     ) 19. The ducks are swimming in the pond.

(     ) 20. One of the horses runs very fast. It wins the game.


Today is the first of ____21______. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The Smith family is at Century__22___. Mr. Smith wants to go to the __23____house. There are _______24____ flowers in it. But his son Jack wants to go to the _____25____. He likes watching birds. He __26___some photos with his ___27____. His sister Jane is playing near the___28_____. She has a ____29____ and she can draw some pictures. Mrs. Smith is ___30___under the tree. They have a good time there!  X K b1 .C om

笔试部分  60%


31.  our school is at no 126 garden street


六、判断划线部分发音是否相同, 相同用“T”表示, 不同用“F”表示。3%

32.mask  desk      (     ) 33.table   happy     (     )

34.thin   smooth    (     ) 35.she    shop       (     )

36.like   try        (     ) 37.many  wash       (     )


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