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随着期中考试的临近,同学们进入了紧张备考的阶段,各科复习内容多,作业量较大,时间紧。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了小学四年级英语上册期中质量检测题,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



一、 选出你听到的单词。(10分)

(   )1、 A. straight     B. left       C. right

(    ) 2.   A. house       B. train      C. cinema

(    ) 3.   A. read       B. run        C. listen

(    ) 4.   A. take       B. talk        C. live

(    ) 5.   A. kid        B. people      C. clock

(    ) 6.    A. dance     B. draw       C. row

(    ) 7.   A. want       B. some       C. juice

(    ) 8.   A. buy        B. help        C. flower

(    ) 9   .A. potato      B. egg         C. tomato

(    ) 10. A. food       B. boat         C. milk


(   )1、A. I’m on your left.     B. I’m on your right.

(   )2、A. It’s down the hill.    B. It’s up the hill.

(   )3、A.I like swimming.         B. We like running.

(   )4、A. This is my sister Amy.    B. This is my brother Tom.

(   )5、A. I’m reading a book .      B. He’s flying a kite.

(   )6、A. They’re doing Tai Jiquan.  B. They’re playing chess.

(   )7. A. It’s singing.               B. It’s dancing.

(   ) 8. A. Do you want some rice?   B.Do you want some milk?

(   ) 9.A.What are you doing?     B. Can I help you?

(   ) 10. Six  yuan  for ten.        B. It’s one yuan.


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