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期中考试即将到来,同学们一定在忙着备考,可是这备考也是需要合适的复习资料的。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学四年级上学期英语期中试题,希望大家认真作答,为期中考试做好准备。



一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。

(   )1. A. classroom  B. strong     C. schoolbag

(    )2. A. door        B. floor      C. wall

(    )3. A. cat         B. hat        C. cap

(   ) 4. A. big         B. pig        C. bag

(   )5. A. Coke        B. nose       C. note

二、 听录音,选择相应的答语。

(   )1. A. It’s blue.    B. It’s my schoolbag.  C. It’s in the desk.

(   )2. A. It’s new.    B. Many desks and chairs.  C. It’s so big.

(   )3.A. My name’s Lucy. B. His name’s Ben.   C. Her name’s Amy.

(   )4.A. Mr Jones.     B. My friend is Lily.  C. I like maths.

(   )5. A. It’s in my bag.   B. It’s black.      C. It’s big.

四、 听录音,选择单词补全短文。

A.key     B. schoolbag    C. candies   D. Chinese   E. blue

This is my new ________. It  is big and it is ______. I have an English book and a _______book in my schoolbag. And I have some ______ and a _______in it.



(    ) 1.  A. cake   B. name

(    ) 2.  A. like    B .kite

(    ) 3.  A. nose   B. not

(    ) 4.  A. big    B. five

(    ) 5.  A. cat    B. bag


(    )1.A.math book       B Chinese book      C. teacher’s desk

(    )2.A. red            B. yellow           C. door

(    )3.A.storybook       B. desk            C. math book

(    )4.A.tall            B. short            C. computer

(    )5.A.fan            B. pencil           C. pen


______        ______       ______       ______     ______

______        ______         ______        ______     ______


(   )1. We ____ a new classroom.  A. have      B. are    C. has

(   )2. Look, he is tall ____ strong.   A. to      B. and     C. or

(   )3. A boy____a boy? – A boy.   A. or       B. in      C. and

(   )4. Let____ help you.        A. go      B. me         C. I

(   )5.What’s his name?.  -_____name is Zhang Peng.  A. me  B. His  C. her

(    )6. I  have  __English  book.       A . a     B . an    C . two

(    )7.How  many __do you have?       A.  pencils  B . pencil  C . pen

(    )8. I  have a sister. __name is  Chenjie .      A . His  B.  She     C.  Her

(    )9. __is she?She is Amy.       A. What    B .Where   C. Who

(    )10.__colour is it? A. What    B. Where   C. Who


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