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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了新编小学四年级英语下册期末试卷,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


( )1A nice  B dance  C naughty  D shy

( )2 A ride  B take  C quiet  D jump

( )3 A also  B bump  C laugh  D talk

( )4 A robot  B wide  C river  D voice

( )5 A learn  B phone  C cousin  D carry


( )1  I am going to play football____ Saturday.

A in    B on    C at

( )2  It will ______ in Beijing tomorrow.

A windy     B cold     C rain

(  )3.Sam fell      his bike.  A.of      B.on    C.off

(  )4.Shanghai is a famous city.My cousin Xiaohu       there.  A.lives in   B.live in  Clives

(  )5.We were hungry and thirsty.   ,we bought a watermelon.    A.and   B.so   C.then

( )6 _____ they have a picnic tomorrow?

A Did     B Are     C Will

( )7. He      naughty now .

A. isn`t   B.wasn`t    C.weren`t

( )8 Yesterday, Amy ______her mum cook.

A helped      B will help      C is helping

( )9 Next week(下周) , Sam and Daming ______ for a bike.

A went      B is going       C will go

( )10 Did you ______ a watermelon yesterday?

A had      B buy       C bought


〈一〉反义词 1 big --_____,   2 old--_____ ,

3 tall--_____ ,   4 write--_____

〈二〉过去式  5 carry--_____ ,6 help--_____ ,  7 play--_____ ,  8 dance--_____ , 9 stop--_____,  10 have--_____ ,


1 a naughty boy __________2 a beautiful house __________

3 help children learn ___________ 4 cloudy _________

5 fall off _________       6 胃疼___________ ,

7 野餐___________,    8 在度假___________,

9 玩的开心___________,    10 患感冒___________


1 a, boy, nice, very, Xiaoyong, is.


2  And ,we,hungry were,thirsty,then,and,


3 on, have, we, a, picnic, are, to, Saturday, going


4 you, play, football, will, on, Monday, won’t, no, I,


5Yesterday,in the park, talked ,his friend,to,my grandfather,



1.I       (go) to the bookstore(书店) last Sunday,then I            (buy)many books.And I        (carry)them on my bike.

2.My brother Lele         (fall) off his bed last night.And he          (bump)his head.

3.My mother        (cook)meat yesterday,I        (have)lots of meat,so I         (have) a stomachache today.

4.What           (happen)to you,Xiaoyong?I         (have)a fever.My face was wet,I felt hot,hot and hot.

Because    Thursday    take     picnic     homework


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