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(    ) 1. A. postcard B. planet (    )2. A. night B. north

(    ) 3. A. hear B. happy (    ) 4.A. water B. what

(    ) 5. A. skip B. sing (    ) 6.A. cheap B. cheese

(    ) 7. A. instrument B. interesting (    ) 8.A. party  B. pipa

(    ) 9. A. drum B. drive  (    ) 10.A worker B. wonder


(     )        (     )       (     )      (     )     (     )


(     ) 1. Don’t feed the chicken!

(     ) 2. I often go to school by bike.

(     ) 3. The wolf ate all the pigs.

(     ) 4. The machines are dangerous.

(     ) 5.   It’s Mother’s day. Sam is playing the piano.

Ⅳ. 听音,选出你所听到的句子,并将其序号填入括号内(每题2分,共12分)

(     ) 1.  A. Don’t talk here!            B . Don’t walk here!

(     ) 2.  A. The pen costs me 20 yuan.   B . It costs me 12 yuan.

(     ) 3.  A . Joan saw a hat.            B . Joan saw a cat.

(     ) 4.  A . Amy was very scared.      B. Amy was very sad.

(     ) 5.  A . It’s Mother’s Day today.    B . It’s my mother’s birthday today.

Ⅴ. 听音,按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4)给句子重新排序。(每题2分共8分)

(     ) I have four strong legs and a short tail, too.

(     ) My name is Mike. I’m tall. I have a long nose and two big ears.

(     ) My body looks like a wall.

(     ) My mouth is not too big. My teeth are very long.


Ⅵ. 请按顺序默写出26个字母的大、小写,书写要规范(共13分)


1. The computer c_________ five hundred yuan. It is so c_________, and I want to buy it.

2. We know Los Angeles is in the w_____ of America.

3. The c_________ of China is Beijing, and it is the center of China.

4. The boy ran to the village and s_________:“Wolf, wolf.”

5. Mother’s day is a s_________ day .We often do something for our mothers.

6. I was n__________ before the concert, but then I was good.


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