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学校举办期中考试是为了是对学生学习情况的一次测试,也是对整个学期教学成果的一次检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学四年级英语期中测试卷,希望大家好好复习,为期中考试做好准备。



1、river 2、wall

3、car 3、girl


1、sea/si:/(同音词) 2、too(同音词)

3、homework(复数) 4、teacher(复数)

5、one(序数词) 6、two(序数词)

7、is not(缩写形式) 8、cool(反义词)

9、hot(反义词) 10、any(同义词)


1、The computer room is on the s floor.

2、Itʼs 7 oʼclock .Itʼs time for b . I would like milk and bread.

3、A:Is it warm today?

B:No,it isnʼt .Itʼs very c .

4、Itʼs r outside .Take(带) your umbrella(雨伞).

5、Itʼs time for m class. Letʼs sing and dance.

6、Itʼs time for PE class . Letʼs go to the p .

Ⅳ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、hair A.手 B.头发 C. 头 D.恨

( )2.strong A.力气 B.上进心 C.年轻的 D.强壮的

( )3.glasses A.太阳 B.女孩 C.眼镜 D.玻璃

( )4.third floor A.地板 B.三楼 C.二楼 D.一楼

( )5.play football A.打手机 B.打电脑 C.打牌 D.踢足球

( )6、It̓s 7:10. It̓s time go to school.

A.at B. to C. for D. /

( )7、Itʼs 7:00 p•m • is ready.

A.Breakfast B.lunch C.Dinner D.Food

( )8. A: Do you have English class?


A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,we do. C.yes,we arenʼt. D.We donʼt have.

( )9.A:Whereʼs the computer room?

B. .

A.Itʼs on the first floor. B.Itʼs the teachersʼ office.

C.Itʼs a computer toom. D.Itʼs on the desk.

( )10.A.Can Jim fly a kite outside?

B. .

A.Itʼs windy. B.Yes,he can. C.Yes,I can. D.Itʼs cool.

Ⅴ. 问答配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

( )1.Do you have an artroom? A.Itʼs four oʼclock.

( )2.Is your teacher in the classroom? B.Yes,we do.

( )3.Is it cool and windy? C.Yes,he is.

( )4.What time is it? D.A blackboard and some desks.

( )5.Whatʼs in your classroom? E.No,it isnʼt.

Ⅵ. 选择句子补全对话。(共10分)

Sarah: .

Sarah: .

Peter:Thanks.Do you have a computer room?

Sarah: .It’s on the first floor.

Peter:Oh,so many computers. .

Sarah:Yes,it is. We have many books.

Peter: ?

Sarah:Oh,It’s 4 o’clock.It’s time to go home.

Peter: .

Sarah:Yes,it is.I have an umbrella.Go with me.



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