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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2014年小学四年级下册英语期末测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,谢谢。

Listening 听力部分 65%


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二、  听录音,圈出听到的单词。(14%@1%)

1. bag    2. jump   3. check    4. smiling   5. floor

big      jeans     cheap      crying      four

6. key   7. room   8. corn     9. tea    10. lime

kite     some     call       sea       time

11. three    12. meet      13. baker    14. farm

there       milk         paper       from


(   )1. A.Touch your teeth. B.Touch your knees. C.Touch your toes.

(   ) 2. A. I like eating.  B. I like swimming.    C. I like painting..

(   ) 3. A. He’s watching TV.  B. He’s sweeping the floor.

C. He’s doing the dishes.

(   ) 4. A. Are you thinking?   B. Are you coloring?

C. Are you working?

(   ) 5. A. These are her teeth.  B.  These are her shoulders.

C. Those are her fingers.

(   ) 6. A. It’s 7:30.   B. It’s 6:20.    C. It’s 8:10.

(   )7. A. I want to be a teacher.    B. I want to be a doctor.

C. I want to be a secretary.  .

(   )8. A. It’s Tony’s towel.         B. It’s Tony’s money.


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