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这篇,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的牛津版四年级英语下学期期末测试题,希望对大家有所帮助!



(    )1、 A. space        B. special     (    )6、 A. meet        B. moon

(    )2、 A. cousin       B. capital     (    )7、 A. banana       B. because

(    )3、 A. powerful     B. perfect       (    )8、 A. south        B. north

(    )4、 A. postcard      B. potato     (    )9、 A. grass        B. glasses

(    )5、 A. choose        B. cheap     (    )10、A. concert     B. country



Ⅲ、听音,判断图片是否正确,正确打“√ ”,错误画 “×”。(10分)

5.(    )


(    )1、A. I’m going to go back to England.

B. I’m going to go back to China.

(    )2、A. New York is in the east.       B. New York is in the west.

(    )3、A. This computer is powerful.     B. This computer is cheap.

(    )4、A.We’re having a party.          B. We’re going to have a party.

(    )5、A. The boy ran to the village.      B. The people ran to the field.


Amy                 draw the pictures

Lingling              stick the newspaper together

Sam                  cut the paper

Daming               read the newspaper

Teacher               write the reports



1.  I like (Australia / Australian) animals .

2.  This computer is beautiful, ( and / but) it isn’t powerful.

3.  It ( cost / costs) three thousand yuan.

4.  We are ( eat / eating) a cake.

5.  This planet is near to the sun, it’s very ( hot / cold).


1、I was very _____________(紧张的) before the concert.

2、I am a Chinese, I am very __________.(自豪的)

3、The kangaroos jump on their__________(后面的)legs.

4、_____________( 安静 ), please ! Don’t talk here !

5、The boy_______________(呼喊), “Wolf, wolf!”

6、Don’t touch ________________.(任何东西)

7、I have nothing to do, I’m very _____________(无聊的).

8、What’s _______________(发生)now?

9、The boy ran to the ________________.(村庄)xKb 1 .Com

10、I like ______________(中国的)music.


(    )1、Don’t walk _______ the grass !

A. in     B. on     C. to

(    )2、So many computers. It’s difficult _______ choose.

A. in        B. to       C. for

(    )3、This planet is far _________ the sun.

A. for            B. to           C. from

(     ) 4、She went _______a shop.

A. in         B. for       C. into

(     ) 5、My mum played______ pipa.


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