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这篇2014小学英语第八册期末试题外研版,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


(    )1. watermelon   paper      orange

(    )2. dancing    watching      birthday

(    )3. hamburger      angry       biscuits

(    )4. boy     bad      good

二 、从B栏中找出A拦中所对应的答句,将标号填在括号内。

A                            B

(   ) 1.  How many biscuits did you eat ?     A. I didn’t go out .I stayed at home .

(   ) 2.  Did you break your toy?         B. I fell off my bike .

(   ) 3.  When did they come?           C. No ,I didn’t.

(   ) 4.  Where did you go ,Tingting ?     D. At the weekend .

(   ) 5.  What happened to you ?         E. I’ve got a stomach ache .

(   ) 6.  What’s the matter?             F. I ate thirty biscuits .


(    )1.---Nice to meet you.        ---______________.

A. Hello.      B. Nice to meet you,too.      C. I’m  fine.

(    )3.---How’s the weather today ?   ---It’s ___________.

A. cold             B. Monday       C. a book

(    )4.---What day is today ?  --- It’s ___________.

A. Children’s Day  B. Friday        C. happy


1  good      2   bad        3  Strong         4  old

5  big        6  fat          7thin


1 buy         2  fall          3 go             4 carry

5 is        6 are     7 phone       8  do       9   have


1  Old         2   tall          3  fat          4   short


去野餐 ______________     做作业  _________________

拉二胡 ______________             得了感冒  ___________         有一天     ______________     和----玩耍______________            长城 _________________    长江____________

请安静 ____________     I  宾格_________   He宾格__________


(   )1  It is a book ________London

A   in  B  of  C    about

(   )2  Beijing is the capital _____ China

A   of    B   about      C  in

(   )3  Will they  take  the ball?

A Yes, I will   B   No, I will      C No ,they won”t

(   )4  I______go swimming  ____Monday

A will  in   ,  B am   on   ,  C  will  on

(   )5  I t will be _____in Beijing

A  wind   B  windy    C  rain

(   )6  Will it be   sunny  in Hangzhou ?

A  Yes ,it will        B  No, it won”t

(   )7_______is Beijing ?    It is in the north


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