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这篇四年级下学期英语期末考试卷最新,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


1. b __ __ch      2. p __ __ k      3. m ___vie th __ __ ter   4. h __ sp__tal

(     )         (     )          (      )              (     )

5. r __ st __ur__ nt     6. sh__pping mall   7. eat d __nner   8. get dr__sssed

(     )               (     )           (     )         (     )

9. br __sh my teeth    10. go to s__hool     11. c__ __k  breakfast

(     )                (     )            (      )

12. make m __ dels       13. w ___tch TV    14.listen to m __sic

(     )                  (      )             (       )


1. I'm hungry. I'm going to the _____________.

2. Jenny is sick (生病). She is going to the ______________.

3. They're hot .They're going to the ______________.

4. I want to buy some apples. I'm going to the _________________.

5. Mother needs money. She's going to the _____________.

三、 根据句意进行填空。(共8分,每空1分)

1. Where ______ you going?  I _____ going to the bank.

2. _______ Gogo going to the park? No, he ___________.

3. Where __________  your friends going?


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