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Part  one听力部分(共40分)

一、听选单词、词组或句子。(共10分,每小题 1分)

(     ) 1. A. skirt                B. bird              C. shirt

(     ) 2. A. driver               B. worker           C. teacher

(     ) 3. A. birthday             B. girl              C. first

(     ) 4. A. dress               B. sweater           C. T-shirt

(     ) 5. A. where              B. what              C. whose

(     ) 6. A. taxi driver           B. bus driver         C. math teacher

(     ) 7. A. Tony’s shorts         B. Peter’s T-shirt       C. Ben’s cap

(     ) 8. A. blue pen             B. green shirt         C. red dress

(     ) 9. A. Is this your T-shirt?    B. Is this Dad’s cap?

C. Is this Mom’s dress?

(     ) 10.A. Whose dress is this? B. What do you do?

C. What do you want to be?

二、 听句子,选答语。(共10分,每小题2分)

(     ) 11.A.Yes, they are.        B.No, it isn’t.        C.Yes, it is.

(     ) 12.A.I’m a firefighter.     B.I’m running.       C.He’s a firefighter.

(     ) 13.A.I want to go to the park.     B.She wants to be a teacher.

C.I am a firefighter.

(     ) 14.A.It’s Jenny .         B.It’s Tony’s.        C.She’s Lisa.

(     ) 15.A.He wants to be a magician.     B.She wants to be a magician.

C.They want to be magicians.



(    )Sorry, I don’t know.

(    )Good morning, Tony!

(    )Are these your shirts?

(    )Is this your T-shirt?

(    )Yes,it is. Thanks,Mom.

(    )Whose socks are these?

(    )Good morning, Mom!

(    )2014四年级下学期英语期末测试题:No, mine are under the bed. They are Dad’s.

Part  two 笔试部分(共60分)

一. 用正确的书写格式抄写下列句子(共3分)

What do you want to be?I want to be a worker.





二.选择正确字母补全单词。(共5分,每 小题1分)

(     )1.d__ct__r       A. a,o    B.o,e     C.o,o

(     )2.co__ __        A. at     B.ae      C.ah

(     )3.dr__ __er       A. iv     B.ir      C.ia

(     )4. w__ __ter      A. ri     B.ui      C.ai

(     )5. __ff__ce       A. a,i     B.o,i     C.o,e


( shorts, teacher, firefighter, Whose, sweater )

1. Are these Jenny’s___________?

2. ____________dress is this?

3. I want to be a _____________.

4. My mother is an English______________.

5. Is this your blue___________?


(     )1.当妈妈问你某件事情,你不知道,你应该怎么说:

A.I don’t know.     B.Don’t ask me.  C.No,I’m not.

(     )2. 你想知道Tony的妈妈的职业是什么,你会问Tony:

A.What do you do?     B.What does your father do?

C. What does your mother do?

(     )3.你告诉爸爸你想成为一名医生,你会说:

A. You want to be a doctor.


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