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2014年小学四年级英语下册期末模拟试卷来袭,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。


一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词 共5)

1. A. lunch B.math C. class

2. A. slippers B.sneakers C. pototoes

3. A. cucumber B.cloudy C.cool

4. A. windy B.rainy C.sunny

5. A. these B. those C.shoes

二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语补全句子 共5)

1.What’s the weather _____ in Beijing?

A ./ B. like C. likes

2.----What colour is your_____? ---- ____________.

A. shirt B. T-shirt C.skirt

3.Let’s go to the_______ to have some chicken.

A. TV room B. art room C. canteen

4.It’s _____ in Harbin.

A.windy B. cloudy C. hot

5.This is the ______

A.music room B.computer room C.teacher’s desk

三、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择所听句子的最佳答语 共5)

1. A.Yes,they are. B. Yes,they aren’t.

2. A.It’s my t-shirt. B. No,it’s not.

3. A. Thank you. B. Yes.

4. A. They are goats. B. They are goat.

5. A. It’s 11 o’clock. B. Eleven.

四、Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标上序号 共5)

五、Listen and judge(听句子,与所听内容一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5)

1.The canteen is on the second floor.

2. These are your baby pants.

3. Are they sheep? ---Yes,they are.

4. My socks are white. Xk b1 .co m

5.It’s7:00.It’s time for breakfast.


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