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距离期末考试还有不到一个月的时间了,在这段时间内突击做一些试题是非常用帮助的,小编整理了2013年小学四年级上册英语期末考试卷,希望对大家有所帮助!威廉希尔app 预祝大家取得好成绩!



一、 Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的单词)

( )1 A come B came C home

( )2 A cut B but C put

( )3 A knife B knee C know

( )4 A thin B three C thirsty

( )5 A mountain B matter C monster

( )6 A cap B cat C cup

( )7 A biscuit B black C break

( )8 A win B won C with

( )9 A goal B good C gold

( )10 A fall B fell C tall

二、 Listen and number(听音,给下列图片标出序号)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、Listen and choose (听问句,选择正确的答句。)

( )1、 A I had a new book.

B I bumped my leg.

C I ate a banana.

( )2 、A The monster had lots of fingers.

B I have ten long fingers.

C I cut my finger.

( )3 、A Yes ,I did.

B Yes, I do.

C Yes, I can.

( )4 、A I played football.

B They played basketball.

C He played the flute.

( )5 、A I can speak English.

B I saw a monster.

C I have a good friend.

四、Listen and choose(听音,选择正确的答句)

1、( )What’s the weather like? A. I’m listening to music.

2、( )Today is my birthday. B. I live in Shenyang.

3、( )Where do you live? C. Happy Birthday!

4、( )What are you doing? D. It’s cold.

5、( )This is my friend. E. Oh! She is nice.

五、Listen and choose(听音,选择正确的单词)

( )1、Yesterday I didn’t go out. I stayed home.

A at B on C in

( )2、What to you? I hurt my leg.

A happens B happened C happening

( )3、This boy a gold cup in the competition last week.

A win B won C wins

( )4、I fell off my bike. And I fell the watermelon.

A off B of C on

六、Listen and write(听音,选词填空)

Bumped cut hurt fell went

Yesterday, I for a bike ride with my friends.

We usuallly play in the park. But yesterday, Sam 、Amy and Lingling were at home. Because Sam off his bike and his knee. Amy her finger. And Lingling her head.


七、Read and write(写出下列单词的过去式)

1 go________ 2 break ________

3 cut________ 4 win ________

5 put________ 6 fall


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