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转眼间你们又度过了一学期,可以回家轻轻松松的享受暑假了,但是请同学们在度假的同时也不要忘了学习,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了新标准英语暑假作业卷,供大家参考。

听力部分 (70分)

一、  听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号里。(20分)

(    )1.  A. photo    B. picture    (     ) 2.  A. game      B. ground

(     ) 3.  A. camera   B. cinema    (     ) 4.  A. radio      B. right

(     ) 5.  A. secret    B. street      (     ) 6.  A. sad       B. say

(     ) 7.  A. take     B. talk        (     )8.  A. write     B. wrong

(     ) 9.  A. family   B. flower      (     ) 10.  A. late     B. little


(    )   (   )      (    )       (    )         (    )

三、判断所听内容与图片是否一致,一致的在括号里画“√”,不一致的画“X”。 (10分)

(   )       (    )       (   )      (   )      (   )


五、听音,选出你所听到的句子。 (10分)

(    )1. A. The train is going up a hill.

B. The train is going down a hill.

(    )  2. A. He is playing with his train.

B. He is playing with his car.

(   )3. A. Sam is tidying his room.

B. Sam isn’t tidying his room.

(    ) 4. A. I usually play football on Sundays.

B.  He usually plays football on Sundays.

(    )5. A. He is singing a song.

B. He is saying a poem.


It’s Children’s Day today.

(   )         (    )       (   )    (   )      (   )

笔试部分 (30分)


room    picture      raining   hot    hospital

1.                 He is drawing a                     .


It is                     now.

4.                    The train is going past a                   .

八、 选择,将正确答案的序号填入括号内。(5分)

(    )1. She is listening ______ the radio.

A. in        B. to

(     ) 2. My grandma usually ________.

A. cook       B. cooks

(     )3. Tom is playing ______ his train.

A. with        B. and

(     )4. It’s in front ______ the school.

A. of          B. to

(   )5. Lingling _______ skipping.

A. are         C. is


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