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英语的使用范围非常广泛.世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了三年级英语下册期中测试卷,现在来练习。



( ) 1 .头 A.head B. hand C. eye

( ) 2. 眼睛 A.face B. ear C. eye

( ) 3. 谁 A. who B. They C.he

( ) 4. 腿 A. foot B.leg C.arm

( ) 5. 她 A.she B.he C.who

( ) 6 .妈妈 A.father B.mother C.who

( ) 7. 脸 A.face B. mouth C. eye

( ) 8. 家庭 A.family B.there C.body

( ) 9. 外公 A.grandma B.grandpa C.mom

( ) 10.哥哥A.sister B.boy C.brother


1.This is my f (爸爸)。

2.That is my s (妹妹)。

3.It has a n (鼻子)。

4.That is a nice b (熊)。

5.Touch your h (头)。

Ⅲ. 选出不同类的一项。10%

( )1.A.nose B.ear C.coat

( )2.A.shoes B.wear C.dress

( )3.A.ship B.car C.foot

( )4.A.he B.she C.family

( )5.A.brother B.head C.sister


( )1.摸摸你的嘴。

A. Touch your mouth. B. Touch your face C. Touch your hair

( ) 2.这是我的奶奶。

A.This is my grandma. B.This is my grandpa.C. That is my grandma.

( ) 3.她是我妈妈。

A.She is my mom. B.This is my mom. C.He is my mom.

( )4.他不是我哥哥。

A.He is my brother. B. He isn't my brother.

C. She isn't my brother.

( )5.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。

A. They are my grandma. B. They are my grandpa.

C. They are my grandma and grandpa.


( )1.A:Do you have a book? B:

A. No,I do. B.Yes,I do. C. Yes,I don’t.

( )2.It a nose.

A. is B.have C.has

( )3.These the eyes.

A. Is B. am C.are

( )4.He is my .

A. sister B. mom C.dad


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