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期末考试考查面涵盖很广,刚刚过去的一学期,同学们究竟学得怎么样?学习效果可以通过期末考试来检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学三年级上册英语期末试题及答案,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



(   )1. A. noodles  B noon        (   ) 6. A. arm   B.leg

(   ) 2. A. small   B big          (   ) 7. A. hurt  B.hand

(   ) 3. A. fruit  B friend          (   ) 8. A. head   B. help

(   ) 4. A.short  B shorts         (   ) 9. A. hair    B. year

(   ) 5. A.dress  Bskirt          (   ) 10. A. delicious  B. birthday

二. 听音,选出听到的句子:

(    )1. A. What's your name?        B. What’s his name ?

(    ) 2. A. Which class are you in ?    B. I'm in class 2.

(    ) 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ?

(    ) 4. A. This is a coat             B.These are gloves

(    ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch!         B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

(    )1、My leg hurts.

(    )2、I have three heads.

(    )3、My foot hurts.

(    )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

(    )5、When is his birthday?


(    ) I am in class 2.     (   )What do you want for lunch?

(    ) I’m looking forward to seeing you (    ) They are not good for you.

(    ) Can I help you ?        (    )This dress is make of silk

(    ) My family name is Sun.  (    )When is your birthday?.

(    ) What’s your family name?   (    ) What’s the matter?


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