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期中考试复习的时候需要同学们明确考试重点,将考试基础知识与重点知识从头到尾梳理一遍,另外还需要做一些题。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年上学期三年级英语期中试题 ,希望对同学们有所帮助 。


听力部分 40%


1. (     ) A. plant         B. branches       C. branch

2. (     ) A. tall           B. ball           C. door

3. (     ) A. cow          B. trunk          C. black

4. (     ) A. he           B. me            C. she

5. (     ) A. kite          B. cat            C. cut

6. (     ) A. Miss         B. Mr            C. Mrs

7. (     ) A. beautiful      B. fly            C. ladybird

8. (     ) A. 4132         B. 4231          C. 4312

9. (     ) A. peach        B. banana         C. orange

10.(     ) A. red          B. yellow         C. balloon


1.(     ) A. I can see a ladybird.

B. I can see a butterfly.

C. I can see a bird.

2.(     ) A. It has roots.

B. It has leaves.

C. It has branches.

3.(     ) A. My nose is small.

B. My mouth is small.

C. My ears are small.

4.(     ) A. What’s this?

B. What’s that?

C. What’s it?

5.(     ) A. How many chicks?

B. How many dogs?

C. How many pigs?


(   )1. A. It’s blue.      B. It’s a hall.         C. It’s big.

(   )2. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my sister.     C. She’s my mother.

(   )3. A. It’s yellow.    B. It is a yellow bird.   C. They’re yellow.

(   )4. A. Ten.          B. Ten yuan.         C. Ten, please.

(   )5. A. No.          B. Yes.              C. May I have some apples?


(    )  1. It’s rainy.

(    )  2. The boat is white and blue.

(    )  3. The ball is yellow.

(    )  4. The kite is orange and green.

(    )  5. They see many flowers.


---             is it ?

--- It’s a               .  Look, it’s orange and _________.

---Yes, it’s          , and it can _________ too .


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