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牛津6B Unit 3知识点整理

Unit 3 Asking the way


ou字母组合在单词中的发音 /au/ (blouse/ about / house/ mouse /out)

/V/ (young / enough )

二、单词和习惯用语: (共30个)


get到达 way路 along沿着 take 乘 street大街 stop停车站



away离开crossing交叉路口miss找不到、错过steal thief shout come-came hotel run-ran place post office邮局tell-told告诉 kilometre千米、公里history museum历史博物馆city城市shopping centre购物中心middle school中学primary school小学No.=number第 号 Bank of China out of

train station火车站bus station汽车站 bookshop get on/ off get to


1.come from 来自于

2.live in China 住在中国

3.on holiday 度假

4. get there 到达那里 (get home)

5.go to the city post office 去市邮局

6.tell me the way to 告诉我去……的路

7.let me see 让我想想

8.go along this street 沿着这条街走

9.turn right / left 向右/ 左转

10.at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口

11.on your left 在你的左边

12.how far 多远

13.take bus No. 5乘5路车

14.at the bus stop 公共汽车站

15.every five minutes 每隔五分钟

16.on River Road 在大江路

17.get on 上车

18.get off at the third stop 在第三个车站下车

19.You’re welcome. 不客气/不必谢。

20. a map of the town小镇地图

三、 问路用语:

1)----Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…, please?

----Go along this street, and then turn… at the …crossing. The…is on your…

----Thank you/Thanks.

----You’re welcome. /That’s all right. /Not at all. /That’s OK.

2)Can you show me the way to…?

3)Can you tell me how to get to… ? /Can you tell me how I can get to…?

How can I get there? How can I get to… ?


5)Which is the way to…?

6)Is there a…near here?

其他回答:It’s over there. /It’s near the… /Go down the street. /It’s on…Road.

It’s in Street. /You can take bus No…and get off at the stop. /Go along…Road, turn right/left at Road. Then go along…Road.

The place is on your right/left.

7) 路程问答法:How far is it from here?

It’s about…meters/kilometers away.

It’s about…minutes’ walk from here.

Is it far from…?

二、 句型:

1. How many stops are there?

2. I want to go to the… /He wants to go to the…


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