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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级英语unit6检测题,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!


( )1. – Dad, ________my friend, Bill. – How do you do?

A. he is B. this is C. that is

( )2. My father always _________me to the park on Sundays.

A. carries B. takes C. gets

( )3. Mary is good at _________.

A. sing B. sings C. singing

( )4. –Do you come from ___________?

– Yes, I come from ______, but I’m not an _______.

A. America, America, America B. America, the USA, American

C. American, American, America

( )5. __________will they go to see Beijing Opera?

A. What time B. When C. both A and B

( )6. Welcome _________school!

A. for B. back to C. at

( )7. _________weekdays I usually get up _________6:30,

but _______the weekend, I usually get up late.

A. On, at, at B. At, at, on C. At, at, at

   ( )8. I usually go to work __________but sometimes __________.


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