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1.Don’t be late       school.

A.for  B.at  C.of

2.Hand in your home work       time.

A.in,in   B.on,on   Cin,on

3.You should keep your room        .

A.clean    B.cleaning   C.to clean

4.I never make        in class.

A.noise   B.noises  C.noisy

5.        Eat in class.

A.Not    B.Doesn’t    C.Don’t

6.He        TV on Sundays.

A.watch   B.watches   C.watching

7.        We go to school on foot.

A.Sometimes  B.Sometime   C.Some times

8.Peter’s mother writes        home rules          him.

A.some, to  B.much, for    C.some, for

9.He         to school early.

A.comes   B.come  C.coming

10.Our         are having a meeting.

A.group leader  B.groups leaders  C.group leaders

11.Don’t spit         the ground.

A.on    B.in    C.at

12.        quiet in class.

A.Please    B.Please be     C.Please are

13.What’s wrong         the dog?

A.to     B..for    C.with

14.The panda holds up his sign         people.

A.tell    B.to tell      C.telling

15.Don’t read         bed.

A.in    B.on        C.at

16.Can you keep your desk        ?

A.clean   B.to clean   C.cleaning

17.We         wait when the light is red.

A.could    B.can      C.must

18.Mary always         her room clean.

A.keep    B.keeps     C.keeping

19.Teachers made a list         rules         the school.

A.of,for    B.of,of     C.for,of

20.Don’t let the dog make        .

A.noises    B.noise    C.noisy

21.Everyone         in the classroom.

A.is       B.are      C.am

22.We  must         the old people.

A.respect   B.respects   C.to respect

23.       ! The bus is coming.

A.Look at    B.Look after   C.Look out


24.Let me tell you something         my school.

A.about    B.for    C.of


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