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L3. L4 词汇

1. sometimes 有时候 2.mess 凌乱 3. set 摆放 4. whole 整个的 5. till 直到 6. turn 转动 7. make a mess 弄乱 8. help to do 帮着干 9. set the dinner table 摆放餐桌 10. the whole evening 整个晚上 11. read in bed 卧床读书 12. keep + 名+ 形 保持某人/某物…… 13. turn on 打开 14. turn off 关上 15. turn around 转圈


1. Lucy always forgets to do her homework, she is a girl. ( care ) 2. He is doing his homework at the desk. ( write ) 3. Peter’s mother (write) some home rules for him now. 4. You make a mess in your room. ( should ) 5. Peter helps the dinner table. ( set ) 6. Keep your eyes . ( open )

7. Look! Peter TV in his room. He TV every evening. ( watch ) 8. I want some . ( help )

9. Please keep your eyes . ( close )

10. I like football very much, but I don’t like it now. ( play ) 二.用适当的词填空

1. Good children should their room clean. 2. Tony often makes a in his room. 3. Please don’t in bed. It’s bad for your eyes. 4. You shouldn’t play computer late. 5. The blouse the bed is for Lily. 6. Don’t sad, little girl.

7. Is here?—Yes, we are all here. 8. Mr. Bush is the of the USA. 9. Everything ready. 10. His family all teachers. 11. of them likes watching TV. 12. I shall wait ten o’clock. 13. She often makes n in her room.

14. Father is sleeping. Please keep the children q .

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15. Tom’s father him reading books.

16. Teachers like students to ask in class.


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