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( )1.A. these B. help C. bed D. get ( )2.A. book B. good C. look D. too ( )3.A. where B. pear C. there D. here ( )4.A. fine B. five C. sit D. kite ( )5.A. thirteen B. they C. think D. thank


( )6.coat A. city B. cute ( )7. chair A. China B. school ( ) 8. morning A. work B. north ( ) 9. tea A. great B. cheap ( )10. brown A. flower B. know


( )1.In England, drivers drive __________of the road.

A. on the left side B. on the right side C. on left side ( )2. My home is on the_ ____________floor A. five B. fifth C. fifteen

( )3.Walk straight __________five minutes. A. at B. of C. for

( )4.What are you going to do after school?

I want to buy some __________for my brother.

A. Chinese book B. story-books C. English book ( )5.Thank you all for__________. A. come B. coming C. comes

( )6.What are you going to do in 20 ___ time?

A. year’s B. years’ C. years

( )7.He is going to buy _____ art book.

A. a B. an C. /

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( )8.—When are you going to the Great Wall? -- ______.

A. Sunday B. Sometimes C. Next Saturday

( )9.My mother _________to work early in the morning. A. go B. goes C. going ( )10. _________Ann_________ painting? Yes, very much.

A. Is, like B. Does, like C. Does, likes ( )11.I don’t have a sister_________ brother.

A. or B. and C. no ( )12.---_________that woman? ---She’s my aunt.

A. What’s B. Who’s C. Where’s

( )13.She likes to__________ home.

A. walking B. walks C. walk

( )14._________several days, you can see a flower.

A. On B. At C. In ( )15.Oh,no!I am________.

A. fall B. falling C. feel


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