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I. 词汇过关。


1. What’s w______ with your TV? There’s no picture. I don’t know why.

2. This is one of my shoes, but where is the o______ one?

3. My cat is in the tree. Can you help me get it d______?

4. My computer doesn’t work. Who can m______ it?

5. His keys(钥匙)are l______ and he can’t get into his room.


6. Let ______(I)have a look at your new CD.

7. What are those on your book? They are my ______(knife).

8. Could you help ______(they), please?

9. Could I use your bike, Kate? Mine is ______(break).

10. Thank ______(good)! I find my new watch on the playground.

Ⅱ. 单项选择。


( )11. I have two rulers. One is long, and _____ is short.

A. other B. the other C. another D. the another

( )12. Here is your dress, Mary. Please _____.

A. put away them B. put away it

C. put them away D. put it away

( )13. Can you see any _____ people in the room?

A. many B. also C. other D. else

( )14. I have some apples. Do you _____ one? Thanks.

A. have B. has C. wants D. want

( )15. Please come here, _____ the blackboard.

A. in B. to C. on D. under

( )16. David, can you help me? My kite is in that tree. Don’t worry. I can _____ it.

A. take B. get C. mend D. carry

( )17. Tom is twelve. What about _____?

A. he B. she C. her D. his

( )18. _____ are my football socks, Mum? They are under the bed.

A. Where B. What C. Who D. Whose

( )19. Could you carry the heavy box? _____.

A. I think so B. I can’t think so

C. Sorry, I can D. No, thanks

( )20. Thank you for your help. _____.

A. No thanks B. That’s right

C. It’s a pleasure D. Sure

III. 汉译英。


31. 你认为他会修电脑吗?我认为他不会。

Do you think he can mend the computer?

I _______ _______ _______.

32. 你的自行车出什么问题啦?

What’s ______ ______ your bike?

33. 你妹妹长什么样子?

______ does your sister ______ ______?

34. 我的红色新钢笔丢了。

My ______ _____ pen is _____.

35. 你必须保管好你的东西。

You ______ ______ ______ your ______.

IV. 连词成句。


36. mend, your, I, watch, Tom, can, and


37. me, red, please, apples, give, some


38. the, I, other, Mike, think, is, room, in


39. that, in, whose, tree, is, hat


40. with, my, there, face, wrong, is, something



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