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外研版六年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2习题



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了外研版六年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

外研版六年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2习题



1. The most important thing people in poor countries need most is ____( 教育).

2. His grandfather didn’t have the money for m_____ treatment at that time.

3. His ___(失明 ) brings him a lot of trouble in his daily life.

4. Dr. Bethune was busy with ___(手术 ) on the blind people.

5. The weather suddenly became very cold, so there were many p___ _ in the hospital.

6. I left very p____ when our team won the game.

7. We’d better try our best to i_____ our environment.

8. He has looked for his bike e____ in the school, but he hasn’t found it yet.9. The story happened in a small v____ far away.

10. They should be ___( 对待) with kindness.


1. I was so weak that I couldn’t walk any more.

I was ____ weak ____ walk any more.

2. They usually went hiking on Sundays.

They ____ ___ go hiking on Sundays.

3. His parents prevented them from playing computer.

His parents_____ them ____ ___ playing computers.

4. Many people don’t have enough money to go to hospital.

Many people are ___ ____ to go to hospital.

5. Amy said, “ I have to work very hard.”

Amy said ____ ___ to work very hard.


1. Many people are not used to ____ before many people.

A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. be spoken

2. They are ___ busy to have lunch.

A. so B. too C. very D. to

3. My teacher used to be very kind ____us.

A. to B. for C. or D. of

4. Books make us happy and bring us ____ knowledge.

A. many B. much C. lot D. little

5. We have ___ to make it better.

A. time enough B. enough time

C. enough times D. enough long time.

6. My husband ____ to the Great Wall four times.

A. has gone B. has been

C. has come D. has got

7. —How many ____ have they got?


A. boxs B. horse C. sheeps D. sheep

8. We have already had four books. I want ___ books.

A. two other B. other two

C. another D. others

9. Are there ____ animals _______ the farm?

A. many kinds… on B. a kind of …at

C. several kinds of …on D. several kind of …in

10. —Have you _____ been to West Hill Farm?

—No, I’ve ______ been to that farm_____.

A. never; ever…before B. ever; never…before

C. already; ever…ago D. just; never…before

11. How many times have you __ to the factory?

A. come B. came C. gone D. been

12. —____ you _____ the song yet?

—Yes, we ____ it a week ago.

A. Did…learned; had B. Have… learned; did

C. Have… learned had D. Did… learn; did

13. ____ your grandpa ___ shopping yesterday afternoon?

A. Did…do B. Do…does C. Do…do D. Does…does

14. I’ll tell him about it as soon as I _____ him.

A. will see B. am going to see

C. see D. have seen

15. Mr. Black ____ China for many years.

A. has been to B. has come to

C. has been in D. came


1. People are used to __(eat) hot food in winter.

2. Stamps ____(use) to send letters.

3. The Red Cross ____(start) in 1863.

4. They ____(be) in New York for seven years.

5. If it ____(be) fine, we may go and play in the park.

6. Mrs. Green ____ (teach) English in a middle school.

She ____ (begin) to teach there in 1993.

7. ____ you ever ____ (make) a ship?

8. What ____ you ____ (write) at this time yesterday?


All students need to have good study habits(习惯 ). When you have good study habits, you learn things ____1____. You also remember ____2____ easily. Do you like to study in the living- room? This is not a good place ____3____ it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a ____4____ place, like your bedroom.

A quite place will help you only think about ____5____, and you will learn ____6____.

____7____ you begin to study, do not forget to clean your ____8____. A good desk with full light is important, ____9____. You’ll feel ____10____ if there is not enough light.

1. A. slowly B. fastly C. quickly D. quick

2. A. it B. them C. their D. thing

3. A. for B. but C. because D. so

4. A. noisy B. clean C. beautiful D. quite

5. A. another thing B. one thing C. another one D. other things

6. A. worse B. bad C. better D. good

7. A. After B. Because C. Where D. Before

8. A. living-room B. hand C. desk D. bedroom

9. A. too B. either C. so D. also

10. A. happy B. angry C. tiring D. tired


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