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人教PEP六年级英语下册Unit4 My holiday课后练习题



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了人教PEP六年级英语下册Unit4 My holiday课后练习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

人教PEP六年级英语下册Unit4 My holiday课后练习题

Listening part 听力部分


( ) 1. A) some B) same ( ) 2. A) ride B) read

( ) 3. A) come B) comic ( ) 4. A) now B)know

( ) 5. A)story B) store ( ) 6. A) trip B) train

( ) 7. A) take B) tell ( ) 8. A) mean B) must

( ) 9. A) put B) pot ( ) 10. A) stream B) straight

二、Listen and match.听音,将相关信息连起来。(10分)

1. Amy A. went to a park

2. Cheng Jie B. visited her grandparents.

3. Zhang Peng C. played football.

4. Sarah D. saw monkeys

5. Mike E. learned English

三、Listen and choose:听问句选择答句(10分)

( )1. A. I went fishing. B. I went to Xinjiang. C. By train.

( )2. A. Yes, I did . B. Yes, we are. C. No, I’m not.

( )3. A. I go fishing.. B. I went by train. C. I go by train.

( )4. A. She went there by car.. B. She climbed a mountain.

( ) 5. A . I learn English. B. I learned Chinese.

四、 Listen and fill in the blanks.听音,补全句子。(10分)

A: on your holiday?[

B: I went to Xinjiang.

A: go there?

B: I .

A: What did you do there?

B: I and .I was so happy.

Writing Part笔答部分

四、 根据汉语意思用过去式写出词组。(10分)

1、 买礼物

2、 看大象

3、 爬山



六、Read and choose: 在括号中选择最佳答案写在横线上。(10分)

1.Did you ______ ( have, had ) a good time in China?.

2. _______ (What, Where ) did you do yesterday?

3.He ________ (likes, liked) making a snowman.

4.______. ( How , Where) did you go there? ---By train.

5. ( On, In) the 4th , I did my homework.

七、Read and choose. 问答匹配:(10分)

( ) 1. What are going to do tomorrow? a. I am doing my homework.

( ) 2. What are you doing? b. I am going to learn English.

( ) 3. Did you go to a park? c. I played football.

( ) 4. How did you go to a park yesterday? d. By bike.

( ) 5.What did you do last Sunday? e. Yes, I did.


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