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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学六年级英语上册第六单元测试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!




(  )1. A. holiday B. Saturday C. yesterday D. Thursday

(  )2. A. child  B. chicken  C. children  D. kitchen

(  )3. A. costume B. relative C. delicious  D. favourite

(  )4. A. exciting B. interesting C. excited D. funny

(  )5. A. food   B. foot   C. fish    D. noodles

(  )6. A. make  B. made  C. map    D. middle

(  )7. A. popular B. people  C. police   D. purple

(  )8. A. beach  B. bear   C. dear    D. brother

(  )9. A. lantern  B. lamp  C. light    D. bright

(  )10. A. present  B. parent  C. peach   D. pear


(  )1. We usually eat moon cakes  A. with my parents.

(  )2. I didn’t have a big lunch   B. and watch the moon.

(  )3. David and his family    C. No, I don‘t.

(  )4. Did you eat delicious food  D. at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

(  )5. What did you do      E. On the 25th of December.

(  )6.Do you like Halloween?   F. went to a party at the Spring Festival.

(  )7. Did you play with lanterns  G. last Spring Festival?

(  )8. What’s your favourite holiday? H. Children‘s Day.

(  )9. When’s Christmas?     I. last New Year‘s Day?

(  )10. Did you go to parties    J. last Mid-Autumn Festival?


Mr White:      is on the 25th of     .

What holiday          it?

David:  New Year.

Mr White: What do      usually do at New Year?

David:  They go to      . And it’s my favourite holiday.

What      you?[

Mr White: My favourite holiday is the      Festival.

David:  Why?(为什么)

Mr White: Because I like      with


一、 根据内容填入适当的节日名称。(6分)

1.     is on the first day of May.

2. People eat moon cakes and watch the moon at     .

3. People usually make colourful eggs at     .

4. It‘s a popular holiday in China. It’s in January or February. It‘s     .

5. There are dragon boats at     .

6.     is on the first of June. Children all like it very much.

二、 找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)

(  )1 A. great    B. cake   C. easy

(  )2 A. May    B. Tuesday  C. today

(  )3 A. doctor   B. door    C. floor

(  )4 A. purple   B. bird    C. daughter

(  )5 A. balloon  B. food    C. good


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