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(   ) 4. Where is the cinema?

A. Near the hospital. B. Go to plant trees. C. By bus.[

(   ) 5. Where did you go yesterday?

A. I am happy. B. By plane.  C. Kunming.

(   ) 6. __does he go to school?  --By bike.

A. When. B. How.  C. What.

(   ) 7. __does she work? --She works in a hospital.

A. When .  B. What.  C. Where.

(   ) 8. What did he do last Monday?

A. He went to the park.   B. At home. C. He goes to the park.

(   )  9. What are you going to__this afternoon?

A. do   B. be   C. /

(   ) 10. __does he do? --He’s a TV reporter.

A. What   B. When  C. How

VI. Read and choose.(阅读下面这篇短文,并从提供的词语中选择最合适的词语完成短文,把标号写在横线上,一个词限用一次。) (10%)

A.artist  B. writer C. engineer D. accountant E. friends

I‘m Li Ming. I work in a car company and I design cars. I’m an ________. I have three good ________. Xiao Mei works in a bank. She works with number and money. She is an________. Wang Gang likes drawing pictures. Every day he works in an art room. He is an ________. John is a ________.He writes many books for children and he likes reading books in the library.

VII. Read and match. (读下列词句,从左边给出的问句中选择相应的答句,并将序号填入问句前的括号中。) (5%)

例:( C ) 1. What are you going to do in Kunming? A. I feel sick. My nose hurts.

(  ) 2. Did you read books?       B .I am going to Xinjiang.

(  ) 3. Where are you going on holiday?  C. I am going to see flowers.

(  ) 4 What‘s the matter with you?    D. Yes, I did.

(  ) 5. How are you going to Beijing?   E. Next week.

(  ) 6. When are you going to Harbin?   F. I am going by plane.

VIII. Write the sentences.(在四线格上正确抄写句子。) (15%)

1. What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter.

2.Where does he work? He works in a car company.[

3.How does she go to work? By bus.


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