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Reading and Writing (读写部分70%)

Ⅰ.Letters writing. (按字母顺序,在四线格中填上适当的字母。)(6%)

Aa            Dd     Ff  Gg      Ii

Kk   Ll  Mm     Oo     Qq

Ss       Uu             Xx        Zz

II. Read and circle. (仔细辨读下列单词,圈出不属于同类的单词。) (4%)

例:hot salty cold

1. strong thin sweet   2. pig tomato eggplant

3. rivergrass picture  4. desk singer actor

III. Read and write “T” or “F”.(读句子,判断正误。正确的写上“T”,错误的写上“F”。)( 5%)

()1. Doctor cleans streets.  (  )2. Teacher sells things.

()3. Artist draws pictures.  (  )4. Cleaner helps sick people.

()5. Salesperson teaches lessons.

IV. Read and tick.(读句子,在A和B两选项中勾出正确的一个。) (5%)

1.What are you (A. go to do B. going to do) next Sunday, Lihua?

2.Is it far (A. to   B. from) here?

3.I can plant trees (A. in  B. on)spring.

4.The National Day is (A. at  B. on) Oct.1st.

5.The Olympic Games is held (A. in  B. at)Beijing.

V. Read and choose.(阅读下列句子,从题中给出的A、B、C三个答案中选出最佳答案,并

将字母填在括号中。) (20%)

例:( A ) How do you feel?

A. I feel bored. B. I am at home. C. I don‘t.

(   ) 1. How do you go to school?

A. On foot. B. At 10:00. C. Tomorrow.

(   ) 2. Do you play football?

A. I played. B. Yes, I do.  C . On the playground.

(   ) 3. What does she do?

A. Singer. B. Sing a song.  C. Go skiing.


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