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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小升初六年级下册英语第四单元练习试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


班级 姓名 得分





1. □ a. younger b. older c. shorter

My father is than my uncle.

2. □ a. English b. Maths c. PE

Yang Ling is not doing well in .

3. □ a. first b. second c. third

Go along this street, and then turn right at the crossing.

4. □ a. higher b. faster c. slower

The butterflies fly than the bees.

5. □ a. swims b. runs c. jogs

Su Yang faster than me in my class.

6. □ a. minibus b. taxi c. bus

I can take a to get to the shopping centre.



forty workbook blouse world horse house worm out morning

1. word

2. sports

3. mouse


1. Su Yang‘s twenty minutes (小)than Su Hai.

2. SuHai’s uncle is (高) and (壮)than her father.

3. Where‘s the bus s top? You can get (上车)bus No 6 and get (下车)at the next stop.

三、情景对话:(从B栏中选出与A栏对应的句子序号填在括号内 10分)

( )1. How many stops are there? a. Tom is.

( )2. Whose dog is thinner? b. Three.

( )3. Who’s taller than Ben? c. the boy‘s dog is.[

( )4. Do you get up as early as your brother? d. No, I can’t

( )5. Whose bag is bigger, yours or mine? e. You are welcome.

( )6. How far is it from here? f. He‘s five.

( )7. How can I get there? g. Yes, I do.

( )8. Can you swim better than the fish? h. Yours is, I think.

( )9. Thank you very much i. You can take bus No. 5

( )10. How old is Ben’s little dog? j. It‘s about a kilometer away.


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