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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语上册第一单元测试B卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!




(  )1. A. little        B. letter       C. litter

(  )2. A. glass        B. grass       C. class

(  )3. A. should       B. cold       C. would

(  )4. A. sign        B. sing       C .swing

(  )5. A. note        B. not        C. lot

(  )6. A. away        B. always      C. also

(  )7. A. suddenly      B. sunny       C. something

(  )8. A. take off       B. keep off      C. turn off

(  )9.A.ask questions     B. some questions   C. keep quiet

(  )10. A. What dose it mean? B. What does that mean? C. What does this mean?


(  )      (  )       (  )     (  )


(  )1. A. It means you shouldn‘t make noise.

B. It means we can walk on the grass.

C. It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.

(  )2. A. Yes, I do.   B. Yes, you can.   C. No, I can‘t.

(  )3. A. It’s four.   B. It‘s Sunday.   C. It’s the second of March.

(  )4. A. They‘re from China.

B. They’re from Grandpa.

C. They‘re for Grandpa.


Hello, _____ Jim. Ben is my cousin. He told me a lot about public signs yesterday. Now I know all the signs in the _____ . They _____ different things. We ______ ______ ______ the grass. We should ______ ______ near the bird’s cage, we _____ _____ _____ here. The sign on the building in the park means ‘______’ . We must stay away _____ it.


一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 (3分)[

(  )1. A. must   B. public  C. question   D. cup

(  )2. A. danger  B. her    C. litter    D. mother

(  )3. A. stay   B. away   C .today    D. Saturday

(  )4. A. great   B bread   C. ready    D. head

(  )5. A. dear   B. bear   C. here    D. nearby

(  )6. A. cook   B. room   C. food    D. shoot


1. ask a lot of questions _________ 7. 发出喧闹声音 ____________

2. No smoking ________________ 8. 保持安静 ________________

3. look around ________________ 9. 禁止停车 ________________

4. pick up her camera __________ 10. 不接近草坪______________

5. point to the signs ____________ 11. 禁止乱丢杂物 ___________

6. a ten-yuan note ____________  12. 鸟笼 ___________

三、按要求写单词。 (6分)

1. quiet (副词)_______________  2. cycling (原形)______________

3.interest(形容词)_________  4. different (反义词) ________

5.run (现在分词) __________  6. watch ( 复数) ____________


(  )1.What _____ this _____? It _____ ‘No smoking’.

A. do, mean, means B. does, means, means  C. does, mean, means

(  )2. ______a note _____ the grass.

A. There‘s , on   B. Have, in     C. Has, on

(  )3.We shouldn’t _____ here and there.

A. litter      B. littering    C. litters

(  )4.Can I _____ a film? No! You must _____ books.

A. look, look    B. watch, read   C. watch, reading

(  )5. _____that sign interesting? Yes, I think so.

A. Does       B. What‘s     C. Is

(  )6.Her son knows a lot _____holidays.

A. of        B. about      C. with

(  )7.Ben and Jack _____ some public signs _____ the wall

A. look at, on  B. are looking at, with C. are looking at, on

(  )8.The park keeper ______ the man.

A. comes up to   B. comes to up    C. comes up


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