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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语上册第一单元试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!



一、 听录音,完成下列对话10%

1 A: Look at that sign.  B: What does it _____?

A: It _____“No _____”.

B: I see. We can‘t _____our car here.

2 A: _____ that girl? B: Which _____?

A: The _____ in a _____ dress.

B: She is my sister, Nancy. She_____ _____TV.

二、 选出划线部分读音与所给音标相同的单词10%

[  ]1 cycle yellow    [  ] 2  must music

[  ]3 litter like     [  ] 4  grass apple

[  ]5 cage always    [  ] 6  pass have

[  ]7 tree very      [  ] 8  mean bread

[  ]9 good room     [  ]10 much shoe

三、 完成下列短文 10%

Now I know a _____ about public_____ in the park. They _____ different things. We _____ walk on the _____. We _____ _____ quiet near the bird’s cage. The sign on the building in the park _____“Danger”. We _____ stay _____ from it.

四、 从B栏中找出A栏的应答句。8%

(  ) 1 Is there a knife on the table? A It means you shouldn‘t touch it.

(  ) 2 What does the sign mean?  B No, I can’t.

(  ) 3 Can you swim?      C She is reading a book.

(  ) 4 What is she doing now?   D Yes, he does.

(  ) 5 Does Ben like drawing?   E No, there isn‘t.

(  ) 6 Who’s the boy in black?   F It‘s a tape.

(  ) 7 What’s that over there?   G It‘s one hundred yuan.

(  ) 8 How much is it?      H He’s Mike.

五、 句型转换 15%

1 I can see a public sign on the grass.提问

_____ can you _____ on the grass?

2 He likes music.提问   What _____ he _____?

3 Mrs Smith is taking a walk in the park.提问

_____ Mrs Smith _____ in the park?

4 She doesn‘t like growing flowers.肯定句 She _____ _____ flowers.[

5 Her pretty skirt is red. 提问   _____ _____ is her pretty skirt?

6 That green T-shirt is Mike’s. 提问   _____ is that green _____?

7 I can dance beautifully. 否定句    I _____ _____ beautifully.

8 Walk on the grass.否定句      _____ walk on the grass.


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