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Ben‘s apples are smaller, I think.

6. My schoolbag is heavier than yours, Nancy.  Yes.

7. Which woman is older?   The woman in black is, I think.

8. Who’s stronger, the rabbit or the dog?  The dog is.

B. Listen and complete

1. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.

2. Are you as tall as your twin sister?

No, I‘m shorter than Su Yang.

3. Who’s older, you or Su Yang?

Su Yang‘s twenty minutes younger than me.

4. What does Mrs Li have?

She has a box of chocolate.

C. Look and write.(略)

D. Read and write.

1. old    2. new   3. fat    4. white   5. tall    6. big

7. yes    8. go    9. heavy  10. good   11. stand   12. long

E. Read and chose.

1. C   2. A   3. A   4.C   5.C   6.C   7.A   8. C

9. A  10.C   11.C   12.C  13.C   14.B  15.A  16.B

F. Look and complete.

1. Who boy taller.

2. are The oranges heavier the pears lighter lighter

3. than shorter nurse’s longer teacher‘s.

G. Choose and correct.

1. D  twin brother

2. B  15 minutes

3. D  any

4. D  or

5. C  taller

6. B  are

7. C  is lighter

8. C  are

9. B  have

10. D years

H. Write the sentences.

1. Do you have any bothers or sisters?

2. Who’s younger, your father or your mother?

3. They sat under a big tree and had a chat.

4. She was very glad to see them.

5. Do they look the same?

6. He is as strong as his cousin.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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