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(  )11. Is she as tall as    ?

A. yourB. mineC. you

(  )12. I want to meet he     day.

A. aB. allC. one

(  )13. Do you have     brothers?

A. someB. a C. any

(  )14. Do you like this book     that book?

A. andB. orC. of

(  )15. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters, so they look    .

A. sameB. the sameC. like

(  )16. Tom is two     older than Jim.

A. yearB. years C. day

F. Look and complete.(1分×16=16分)

1. A:       is taller?

B: The      is      .

2. A: What       heavier than the pears?

B:       are   than        .

A: What are     than the pears?

B: The apples are     than the pears.

3. A: Whose hair is shorter     the nurse‘s?

B: The waitress’s hair is   than the     .

A: Whose hair is     than the nurse‘s?

B: The    hair is longer than the nurse’s.

G. Choose and correct.(1分×10=10分)

(  )1. He has a twins brother.

A B C  D

(  )2. The girl is 15 minute younger than her sister.

A    B   C    D

(  )3. Do you have some story books?

A B C  D

(  )4. I don‘t have brothers and sisters.

A B C     D

(  )5. Who is tall, Jim or Mike?

A B C  D

(  )6. His jeans is longer than mine.

A B C    D

(  )7. My friend lighter than Mary.

A  B  C  D

(  )8. Whose glasses is this!

A  B C D

(  )9. He doesn’t has any masks.

A  B  C   D

(  )10. Mary‘s two year younger than Tom.

A   B   C   D

H. Write the sentences.(2分×6=12分)

1. do, you, any brothers, or sisters, have (?)

2. who’s, younger, or, your mother, your father (?)

3. sat,  a, they, big,  had,  chat,  under,  tree,  and,  a  (!)

4. to see them, she, was, very glad (.)

5. look the same, they, do (?)

6. he, his cousin, not, is, as strong as (.)


A. Listen and judge

1. Look at the girl, Her eyes are big.

2. Look, I‘m fat.

3. I’m not happy. because I‘m short.

4. Who’s thinner, the boy or the girl?  The girl is. I think.

5. Whose apple are bigger Mike‘s or Een’s.


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