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VI: 选择最佳答案( 20分)

( ) 1. They are going to buy some books from the _____.

A: bookstore B: library C: museum D: hospital

( ) 2. How about playing _____ piano?

A: the B: / C: a D: an

( ) 3. They _____ some clothes for their sons two years ago.

A: buy B: bought C: will buy D: are going to buy

( ) 4. You’re welcome 的同义句是____

A: With pleasure. B: No thanks. C: My pleasure. D: Thank you.

( ) 5. The post office is _____ the middle of the street.

A: in B: beside C: with D: on

( ) 6. I’ll _____ your teacher.

A: telephone B: telephone to C: telephone for D: ring

( ) 7. My dog is sleeping near the bookshelf.

A:我的猫正在书架下睡觉。 B:我的猫正在书架上睡觉。

C:我的猫正在书架旁睡觉。 D: 我的猫正在书架睡觉。

( ) 8. Is it very serious?

A: Nothing serious. B: Serious nothing.

C: Take some medicine. D: Have a good rest.

( ) 9. Are there _____ students under the tree?

A: a B: some C: much D: any

( ) 10. How can I ______?

A: get to there B: get there C: go to there D: come to there

VII: 按要求完成下列各题 ( 5分)

1. I’m going to play basketball tomorrow. (用will替换)


2. Let’s help him mop the floor, ___________? (反义疑问句)

3. Which is the way to the post office? (同义句)


4. We are going to help grandma Li do the housework.. (翻译成汉语)


5. Linda 头痛,感冒了,假如你是医生,给她个建议。用英语写一句话。




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