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( ) 1. A: does B: go C: open D: old

( ) 2. A: bag B: cat C: take D: hat

( ) 3. A: like B: ill C: miss D: milk

( ) 4. A: speak B: meat C: head D: read

( ) 5. A: book B: look C: room D: cook


1. do the _________ ( 洗衣服) 2. turn _______ (右转)

3.________ the school gate (在学校大门外) 4. _______Day (教师节)

5. _______ school (放学后) 6. feel ______ (感觉不舒服)

7. have a _________ ( 感冒) 8. _______ English (读英语)

9. ______ in bed ( 卧病在床) 10. ______ the room (打扫房间)


( ) 1. call A: tell B: use C: ring up

( ) 2. go along A: run B: go down C: take

( ) 3. hospital A: gym B: help C: careful

( ) 4. me A: I B: us C: my

( ) 5. England A: English B: American C: China


1. Who’s ( your, you ) English teacher?

2. Mr. White ( teaches, teach ) well.

3. I’m going to help Grandma Li ( to mop, mop ) the floor.

4. Mr. Green ( has, have ) a stomachache.

5. What’s wrong with ( he, him)?

6. I ( forgot, forget ) my umbrella. May I use yours?

7. Let’s send a present ( for , to ) our teacher.

8. I ( bought , buy ) a CD yesterday.

9. Don’t eat too ( much , many ) cold food.

10. She is very kind, and she is likes ( make, making ) friends with us.


1. I , can, how, hospital. the, to, get


2. have, medicine, and , take, the , rest, a, good


3. I’m, hear, sorry, to , that,


4. next, will, teach, term, he, you (?)


5. China, she, to, three, came, ago, years



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