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I: 听音,给下列每组单词排序(5分)

1. ( ) send ( ) call ( ) seesaw

2. ( ) swings ( ) library ( ) window

3. ( ) bookstore ( ) museum ( ) hear

4. ( ) medicine ( ) toothache ( ) fever

5. ( ) teach ( ) popular ( ) behind

II: 听音,补全对话 (10分)

A: _______me, which is the way to the _________ __________?

B: Go down this road, and turn ______ at the traffic lights. Then ____ on to the _____ of the road.

A: Is it ______ _______ here?

B: Yes. You’d ________ take a taxi. It will take you there.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: You’re ________.

III: 根据你所听到的问句选出正确答语。(5分)

( ) 1.A: I have a headache. B: I go to the hospital. C: He is ill.

( ) 2. A: It’s next the zoo. B: It’s over there. C: It’s near.

( ) 3.A: We went to the bookstore. B: He is going to the bookstore.

C: I’m going to the bookstore.

( ) 4.A: I’m Linda. B: This is Linda. C: That is Linda.

( ) 5. A: Good idea. B: See you. C: Maybe.


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