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一、单项选择    从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(每小题1分,共15分)

(    ) 1. What ________ your parents _________?

A. does ; do                    B. do ; do                    C. are ; do

(    ) 2. --- What is Mike going to ________?   --- He’s going to ________ a writer.

A. do ; be                      B. be ; be                    C. be ; do

(    ) 3. My father often _________ his car to work.

A. makes                       B. drives                    C. rides

(    ) 4. Jack often helps me _________ the book to the classroom.

A . take                        B. taking                    C. takes

(    ) 5. Tom’s father _________ to make money for the family.

A. don’t work                   B. works hard                C. Helping

(    ) 6.---________________?     --- She is a reporter.

A. What does she like             B. What is she                C. What is she do

(    ) 7. ________ the policemen ________ to Shanghai next month?

A. Do ; go                      B. Is ; going                  C. Are ; going

(    ) 8. ---________________?     --- An actor.

A. What are you want to be        B. What do you want to do       C. What do you want to be

(    ) 9. If you like to help ________ people, you _________ a doctor.

A. fine ; can be                  B. sick ; can                  C. sick ; can be

(    ) 10. She goes to work _________ her bike.

A. in                          B. by                        C. on

(    ) 11. --- Who can see a lot of fish every day?     --- A _________.

A. pilot                        B. fisherman                  C. scientist

(    ) 12. The TV show is so ___________.

A. interesting                   B. interested                  C. be fun

(    ) 13. _________ his father _________ art teacher?

A. Does ; an                    B. Is ; an                     C. Is ; a

(    ) 14. I _________ here in three days.

A. am                         B. will                       C. will be

(    ) 15. The weather reporter _________ it will be rainy tomorrow.

A. tells                        B. says                       C. speaks


1. How many different j ___________ can you think of?

2. He sends letters to people every day. He is a p____________.

3. Who is good at u __________ a computer in your class?

4. My aunt and uncle often go to other countries. They’re b _____________.

5. Zhang Peng’s h ___________ is playing the erhu.

6. Are there any f____________ in your village?

7. --- Can the p___________ fly a plane?      ---Yes, they can.

8. Those famous football c ____________ will come to China next year.

9. She is a secretary in a big company. She works in an o____________.

10. If you want to be h_____________, you should eat more vegetables.

( Reading )


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