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Listening Part(听 力 部 分40%)

一. Listen and choose ( 听音,选择你所听到的单词,听两遍。10%)

(    ) 1. A. hiking    B. swimming    C. singing

(    ) 2. A. music            B. match           C. puzzle

(    ) 3. A. pen pal           B. pencil           C. plane

(    ) 4. A. live              B. club             C. city

(    ) 5. A. Canberra         B. country          C. Chinese

(    ) 6. A. English teacher    B. math teacher     C. head teacher

(    ) 7. A. policeman        B. postman          C. businessman

(    ) 8. A. coach           B. sports reporter      C.P.E teacher

(    ) 9. A. factory          B. university          C. office

(    )10. A. on foot          B. by bike           C. by plane

二.Listen and circle(听音,写单词,听两遍。10%)

三.Listen and answer(听问句,选择正确的答语,听两遍。(10%)

(   ) 1. A. He likes doing kung fu and swimming..

B. I like doing kung fu and swimming.

C. She likes doing kung fu and swimming.

(   ) 2. A. No, she isn’t.     B. No, she doesn’t.    C. No, she does.

(   ) 3. A. She likes dancing.   B. She works at a university.

C. She is a scientist.

(   ) 4. A. He works in Shanghai.  B. By car.        C. He is a teacher.

(   ) 5. A. She is a head teacher.     B. She works in a school.

C. She goes to work on foot.

四.Listen and write( 听音,根据听到的内容补充句子,听两遍。10%)

This is Xiao Yu. He likes          football.  He wants to be a         . He          very hard. His father is a          .  He often goes to other countries. His uncle is a             . He works on a boat.


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