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一.. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)(8分)

( )1. A. post office B. cinema C. bookstore D. together

( )2. A. ship B. taxi C. Train D. foot

( )3. A. morning B. tonight C. tomorrow D. straight

( )4. A. turn B. slow C. office D. stop

( )5. A. what B. who C. where D. white

( )6 A. usually B. what C. sometimes D. Often

( )7. A see B buy C comic D.visit

( )8、A mooncake B postcard C dictionary D.word book


1.在今晚 2.read a book

3.明信片 4.take a trip

5.离…远 6.turn left

7.漫画书 _____ 8.science museum

9.慢下来 _____ 10 traffic lights


read collect clean watch visit take ride play

__________stamps __________TV __________a trip

__________books __________the room __________a bike

四、 把问题和合适的答语对应起来。(5分)

1. ( ) How can I go to the nature park? A. It’s next to the cinema.

2. ( ) Where is the post office? B. I’m going to the science museum.

3. ( ) What are you going to do? C. I’m going at 9 o’clock.

4. ( ) When are you going? D. I’m going to read a magazine.

5. ( ) Where are you going? E. You can go there by NO.12 bus ..


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