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第一部分   听力测试(共三大题,满分30分)


(    )1.  A. lantern                    B. late

(    )2.  A. dancing                  B. playing

(    )3.  A. sound                     B. look

(    )4.  A. this                       B. these

(    )5.  A. flag                       B. fly

(    )6.  A. race                      B. face

(    )7.  A. milk                      B. meal

(    )8.  A. book  shop              B. moon  cake

(    )9.  A. hobby                    B. how

(    )10. A. miss                      B. meet


(    )11. A. It’s a picture of the Great Wall.    B. It’s a photo of the West Lake.

(    )12.A. Here is a flag of America.         B. Here is a flag of China.

(    )13.A.Thanksgiving Day  is  my  favourite  festival.

B. Christmas  is  my  favourite  festival.

(    )14.A.These postcards are great.    B. These letters are nice.

(    )15.A. It’s in the east.               B. It’s in the west.

(    )16.A.Do you collect stamps?       B. Do you like stamps?

(    )17.A. Those are famous men and women.

B. They are famous men and women.

(    )18.A.We are flying the kites in the park.

B. We are playing football in the park.

(    )19.A. I want to visit the US.        B. I want to visit China.

(    )20.A. What do you do?            B. What does she do?


(    )21. A. Yes . they are.               B. Yes. it is.

(    )22. A. I like it.                      B. I am sending an email.

(    )23. A. Yes . she is.                  B. No. I haven’t.

(    )24. A. Yes . I am                    B.OK.

(    )25.A. Yes. she does.                B.  No. I don’t.


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