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毛衣______ 鞋__________裤子 ______ 连衣裙_______ 星期日______卧室______玩具________旧的__________

星期五_____新的______衬衫_________ 短袜__________


和•••一起玩________________ 读书________________

看电视_______ 在桌子上__________打扫_____________

play on the computer__________write a stroy_____________

wash my face __________ brush my hair____________

an old skirt _____________ listen to music_________

a birthday gift____________fly kites___________

play catch with a ball_____________ make my bed_________


( )1. These ________ my shorts. A. is B. are

( ) 2.She _______ wearing a red skirt.A. is B. am

( )3.We wash the clothes_____ a Sunday morning.

A. in B. on

( )4. Sunday ______ fun. A. are B. is

( )5.They are _______ sweaters.A. she B.her C. he

( )6.______ is a new shirt. A. These B.This C. They

( )7----Is it new? ----__________.

A. Yes,they are B.No,they aren’t C. No,it is old.

( )8.You ______ a student. A. is B.are C. am

( )9.Jenny is wearing a red skirt. ____likes red. Red is ______favourite colour.

A. She she B. She her C. She his

( )10.It was a birthday gift my mom.

A.of B.on C.from

( )11.Heis wearing a red skirt a Sunday morning.

A.in B.on C.at

( )12.I draw a picture my story.

A.on B.for C.with

( )13.I put my clothes. A.in B.on C.up

( )14.I talk on the phone my friends.

A.and B.of C.with

( )15.I play the computer. A.at B.in C.on


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