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( ) 1.A、festival B、favourite C、famous D、friend

( ) 2.A、postcard B、people C、pleased D、map

( ) 3.A、six B、seven C、fifty D、five

( ) 4.A、thousand B、million C、kilometer D、hundred

( ) 5.A、meal B、miss C、make D、more

( ) 6.A、rice B、race C、right D、ride


题号 答案



( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. Beijing has got about fourteen million people.

B. New York has got eight million people.

C. Tianjin has got fifteen million people.

( )2. A. Can you tell me more about Chinese festivals.

B. Can you tell me more about American festivals.

C. Can you tell me more about English festivals.

( )3. A. Have you got any photos of the Great Wall.

B. Have you got any photos of your bike.

C. Have you got any picture books.

( )4. A.I can speak English.

B. I can speak French..

C. I can speak Chinese.

( )5. A. Amy is from England.

B. Amy is from China.

C. Amy is from the US.


( ) 1. A. We eat zongzi. B. Say “ thank you” for our food.

( ) 2. A. Yes, of course . B.Yes, I can.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I have.

( ) 4. A. We have a special meal. B. Playing football.



( )1、A、English B、French C、England D、Chinses

( )2、A、mountain B、river C、policeman D、lake

( )3、A、east B、west C、 more D、north

( )4、A、matter B、hundred C、million D、thousand

( )5、A、China B、Canada C、Chinese D、America


( )1、I can ___ English.

A、speaks B、speak C、speaking

( )2、Have you got ___ stamps , Simon ?

A、a B、 an C、 any

( )3、There ___lots of Chinese shops there.

A、is B、has C、are

( )4、New York is____ the east of America.

A、in B、 on C、 at

( )5、All of these postcards are ____China.

A、from B、with C、 for

( )6、Pleased ____ meet you.

A、to B、for C、go

( )7、Riding bikes____my hobby .

A、be B、is C、are


( )1. These postcards are great.

( )2. Flying kites is my hobby.

( )3. On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thank you”

for our food, family and friend.

( )4. I can write in English.

四. 选择配伍。(10分)

( ) 1.Where is Shanghai? A. We fly the flag and sing songs.

( ) 2.What’s your hobby? B、Yes, of course.

( ) 3.What do you do on Flag Day? C、No, there isn’t.

( ) 4.Can you be my pen friend? D、It’s in the east of China .

( ) 5.Is there an email for me? E、Playing football.


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